Thursday, August 5, 2010

The biggest slum in Nairobi

Kibera is the biggest slum in Nairobi. No one knows the exact number of people living there but the estimated number is 1,2 million. It is supposed also to be the most dangerous slum.

We went there today to start shooting footage for our documentary, titled "Flying Toilets" about the sanitation problems in the slums. If you are wondering what are Flying Toilets then I will tell you that this are just plastic bag filled with human excrement thrown away from the window. It is a common thing here and there are many health problems related to it.

There are some NGO's (non-governmental organizations) that try to fight with it and on the photo below you can see a sign about some planned investments to build public toilets. Unfortunately one has usually to pay for it and most of the slums people can't afford paying every time they need to use it. So the problem remains unresolved.

Photo courtesy to Aurelia Frydrych ©.

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