Sunday, August 1, 2010

It's been a while... Kenya time!

It's been a while since my last post. Sorry for that, but I had a kind of busy time at work. Did a lot of shooting and editing. I even directer a cinematic ad on a 7D!

You can see it here:

LG "Dodaj coś od siebie" from Ostecx Créative on Vimeo.

Dominik Danilczyk was a DOP on this one and did the posproduction.

But the main reason I was out was the fact that I was preparing for my leave to Kenya. Right now I'm at Dubai Airport, where they serve a free whiskey;), while I'm waiting for my flight to Nairobi.

I will stay there for the next three weeks, doing a documentary with our beloved 7D!

I promise to keep you updated!

1 comment:

nikkolano said...

free whiskey, hmm... ;)