Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Mira and Sikh hospitality

Today we did some research on Mira as I mentioned yesterday.

For those of you who don't know what it is. It is a plant that is legal here in Kenya but is a strongly addictive drug that can cause a lot of health problems. It works like something between cocaine and amphetamine.

You can read more about it here.

We went to the River Road (probably the most dangerous part of the Nairobi). We didn't really shot a lot of material but we interviewed some people, found an interesting bar just for chewing Khat and bought some leaves to gain a trust of the sellers. The people were not really hostile but the atmosphere of endangerment was definitely in the air, so I think it will be quite difficult to film it.

Other then that we had quite a pleasant day. We accidentally found a Sikh temple. We wanted to visit it for a minute but actually we spent there like three hours. They were so friendly! We talked to them about religion, god and meaning of life. They showed us their rituals and shared a meal with us. It was fantastic! The Sikh are amazing and wise people. I think we will visit them again soon.

And here again a photo courtesy to Aurelia Frydrych ©:

1 comment:

inez said...

the Sikh... always reliable, anywhere in the world. I've experienced their warmth, hospitality and genuine kindness in a couple of places in South-East Asia.

keep on writing, and I'll keep on reading :)